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Employees and their household members may use Pivot EAP to help manage issues that could adversely impact their work and personal lives. Pivot counselors typically provide assessment, support, and if needed, referral to additional resources.

The issues for which Pivot provide support vary, but examples include:

Concerns About Aging Parents

Relationship Issues

Alcohol/Substance Abuse

Major Life Events

Emotional Distress



Safe Working Environment

Health Care Concerns



Family and Personal Concerns

Depression and Anxiety Challenges

Aging Issues

Stress and Emotional Issues

Conflict in the Workplace

Parenting Challenges

Your employer believes that their employees are their best asset, and since they care about you they have purchased this important benefit for you. Pivot services are free to employees and their household members. Confidentiality is maintained in accordance with privacy laws and professional ethical standards.

Critical Incident Management

Support in times of crisis

When a work site is affected by a traumatic event, an incident or threat of workplace violence, catastrophic accident, natural disaster, robbery, or unexpected death, employees' lives and their productivity at work can suffer.

When such events occur, an organization needs to respond quickly and effectively to minimize the risk of further damage and to help affected employees recover and return to work. Pivot Employee Assistance Program Critical Incident Management Services help workplaces manage crisis situations and get business back to normal.

By offering timely, expert support to employees and managers, Pivot helps minimize the costs of reduced productivity due to trauma.

DOT Substance Abuse Professional

Qualified professional

The Pivot Employee Assistance Program has qualified Substance Abuse Professionals on staff. These individuals have met Department of Transportation revised standards through education and a proficiency examination. Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) evaluations, as required by the DOT, are a supplementary EAP service. In a SAP evaluation, a client is mandated to attend the appointment due to a violation of drug or alcohol regulations. The individual is evaluated to determine his or her need for treatment. If the counselor finds that treatment is required, the individual is mandated to complete the treatment and be evaluated again in person by the SAP prior to returning to work. The individual’s ability to return to work is based on compliance with the treatment plan. A SAP is an advocate for neither the employer nor the employee. His/her recommendations protect the public safety in the event that the employee returns to the performance of safety-sensitive functions.

Employee Orientation

Pivot Employee Assistance Program personnel provide on-site employee orientations. This is a great opportunity to learn about Pivot and its benefits to employees and family members.

To schedule an orinetation for your team, or just for new team members, please call our office. 


We offer a variety of seminars to help you meet compliance. Seminars can be hosted at our location, your location or even virtually. Contact us for a list of seminor topics or to suggest a seminar. 

Popular seminars include:

  • NYS Sexual Harrassment Training